Monday, December 31, 2007

Got to start posting more often...

Okay. So its been like what, June, since I last posted. Well tada! Updated. Anyways, Happy New Years! Ring those bells for the New Year is upon us. The year of 2007 is at its end, and the year of 2008 is approaching. That means graduations is approaching too, and then college. At least I got accepted into some colleges. Its all cool.

Nothing happened much over break. Sitting around, doing homework, play Diablo (finally finished), missing my girlfriend, loving my girlfriend to bits, things like that. I didn't many presents from anyone except my girlfriend. Thank you so much for everything you gave me (which was a lot).

Over the years, I am starting to think about myself. This year is the year in which I have changed more rapidly. Going up and down on that roller coaster called life. Its all good though.

This year has its ups and its downs.
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!
And have a good one!