Monday, December 31, 2007

Got to start posting more often...

Okay. So its been like what, June, since I last posted. Well tada! Updated. Anyways, Happy New Years! Ring those bells for the New Year is upon us. The year of 2007 is at its end, and the year of 2008 is approaching. That means graduations is approaching too, and then college. At least I got accepted into some colleges. Its all cool.

Nothing happened much over break. Sitting around, doing homework, play Diablo (finally finished), missing my girlfriend, loving my girlfriend to bits, things like that. I didn't many presents from anyone except my girlfriend. Thank you so much for everything you gave me (which was a lot).

Over the years, I am starting to think about myself. This year is the year in which I have changed more rapidly. Going up and down on that roller coaster called life. Its all good though.

This year has its ups and its downs.
Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!
And have a good one!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Holy S***!

Dang, its been a while. Like what two months since I last posted.

Everything is just fine and dandy. Stuff like JB and Sprigg Fligg is fun. And most of my exams are already done with. AP testing was semi-evil, semi-easy. Thank god for Nietzche for the AP Lang test. Heh, for my AP world final essay i wrote about Commodore Perry and the coming of the Black Ships and how that changed Japan dramatically. Thank god for Rurouni Kenshin.

O yeah. Finally got a Wii. Finally a game console. First one too.
I don't have many games for it though. maybe i should buy trauma center and twilight princess. heard they were pretty good.

O man. Anime Club is going down the drain next year. I just feel the mismanagement coming.

Ja Ne!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Over already?

man... Spring Break passed by real fast... geez.
so yeah nothing much happened over the course of time.

Got permit.
Watch anime.
Do chinese project.
Watch more anime.
Do role in John's movie.
Watch even more anime.
Practice stuff.
Sign up for internship.
Watch movies

Need I say more? Boy I'm tired.

Ja Ne!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Rebellion broke. dammit... need to find a way how to return it or repair it... or i can wait till next year to get a new one. then again what should i do about the old one?

in any case im still trying to buy a set of airsoft pistols... this should be fun

Over the course of the week
Monday- got sick and nausea
Tuesday- went back to skool nothing important xcept for the bajillion tests i had to do and the Sprigg Fliggs meeting
Wednesday- planning for the Sprigg Fliggs meeting
Thursday- Lilium rehersal... other then that just a crappy day since Rebellion broke
Friday- its just Friday

overall... it was just a crappy week...
plus everyone is getting sick i dont get that

Ja Ne!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


major time gap here...
well neways I got my sword. It's awesome but the handles kinda loose. And it's heavy, then again what do you expect of a 46 (random guess) inch sword. though each time i wield my sword it seem to get lighter and lighter. I polished some parts of the edges too, it was kinda blackened by i dunno wut. Though the form looks out of shape too in some angles... though i do have an actions sequences thought up too... what i need now are a katana, some airsoft guns, john to figure out graphics to the max, a script (yes i got action, i suck when it comes to scripts), some costumes, and a whole bunch of people.

Ja Ne!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

First Post...

just made this...
need I say more?